Change In Newborn Hearing Screening Follow Up
Bo Scholzen, RN, MN, Manager, Children’s Services
Pediatrix Hearing Screeners will no longer support our outpatient hearing screens effective Sep. 1, 2021. This means that each one of our newborns that fails two hearing tests during their inpatient stay will need to follow up with an audiologist for testing after discharge.
- If a patient/newborn does not pass the hearing screen while in the hospital, it will be documented on the discharge summary that is sent to the follow up provider’s office.
- The State of Washington DOH is also notified when a baby did not pass the hearing screen and a notification to the provider’s office.
- If a newborn does not pass, the hearing screener technician will give the parents/caregivers a pamphlet that states “the newborn did not pass and needs further testing.”
- If the newborn fails the first screening while in the hospital, the screeners perform it a second time prior to discharge.
- Valley has approximately 12 babies each month who do not pass their second hearing screen or they were unable to perform the hearing screen.
- The screeners will also provide the family with this flyer. It is a list of Diagnostic Audiology Clinics for infants. There is no referral needed, parents can call and make an appointment directly.
- Some of our pediatricians’ offices have their own hearing screen equipment. During their first newborn visit, the pediatrician or provider will verify that the newborn either passed or failed their hearing screen while in the hospital.
Valley leadership will have a meeting soon to create a workflow that supports a follow-up process for any baby who fails their newborn hearing screen. If you would like to be part of this group, please email
As of January 1, 2021, the State of Washington stopped paying for hearing screens and private insurance companies have decreased the reimbursement rate. The outpatient Pediatrix Hearing Screening program was stopped for financial reasons.