Valley has been working hard to limit the impacts of a nationwide shortage of IV fluids as a result of Hurricane Helene. We are safely conserving supplies where possible and have rescheduled some non-emergent procedures. We appreciate your understanding and hope to be back to normal operations soon.

OnBase: New Document Management Solution Coming in June

Author: Carrie Gotch, Project Manager

In June, Valley is replacing our document management solution, ChartMaxx, with an even better solution called OnBase.

Why OnBase?

OnBase has superior Epic integration that will align Valley Medical Center with other Epic providers outside of Valley, as well as offering advanced technology with NEW streamlined workflows that will optimize productivity and employee satisfaction.

Why will you like the change?

The OnBase document management solution will:​

  • Help you to perform your job efficiently and reduce unnecessary workflow steps.​
  • Assist you in accessing patient document-based information more easily.​

Below are some Screenshots of some features of OnBase

1. Epic Chart Review

  • OnBase” button
  • Accessing all historical records for that patient

2. Document correction workflow in OnBase to notify HIM:

Clicking the red flag icon, will open the “Document Correction Request” form.

3. Visibility of correction in progress as notation with a digital post-it note: