The first phase of The Cancer Center at Valley Medical Center is now open! 
Learn more about the services offered in the new space.

Planning for Your Stay

Is your support suitcase packed?

Your health, comfort and privacy are our highest concern at Valley Medical Center. To help make your visit as enjoyable as possible, we encourage you to bring items that are part of your everyday life, that give you comfort or strength and keep your spirits high.

A few items you may want to pack:

  • Small pictures of family, friends, or pets
  • Religious, spiritual or meditative articles, a good book or crossword
  • Telephone numbers or emails of your emotional / spiritual support person(s)
  • For our youngest patients (and even some of us adults) a familiar stuffed toy

Practices you may wish to bring

Your emotional and spiritual well-being are also important to us. Our staff is respectful of your personal beliefs, understandings or practices.

At the Admissions Office, we'll invite you to share your support needs in this area of your care so that we may relay them to the unit staff—including any religious or spiritual affiliations or practices.

We want to support you; our intention is not to pry.

As your medical needs & treatment allow, feel free to engage in practices that bring you enjoyment and peace:

  • Religious, secular or spiritual practices
  • Participating in prayer with friends / family
  • Yoga, Tai Chi – similar disciplined practices
  • Ritual or symbolic forms of worship
  • Deep reflection (contemplation)
  • Meditation
  • Reading in poetry, philosophy etc.
  • Reading scripture, inspirational writings.
  • Creative writing around nature.
  • Sacred music
  • Keeping a personal journal

Persons to contact

Many patients enjoy visits while they are at VMC—from a family member, dear friend, co-worker, minister or priest, church friend, or other acquaintance. Before you arrive, let your special people and VMC's Admitting Office know if and how you would like to be visited.

Your privacy is very, very important. No staff member will contact any person for visits without your request and permission.

Bedside support

How you feel about your health is important. Our hospital is often a busy place, but our staff can offer a listening ear to your concerns. Many of our Nurses, LPN’s and PCA’s have a long history of emotional / spiritual support at the bedside. We care about you—all of you.

We also offer the services of a volunteer chaplain and spiritual care team. Ask your nurse or any staff person can make a visit referral for you.