Brent Wiederhold, MD, is a family physician passionate about providing competent, compassionate, collaborative care for all patients, including pediatric, adolescent, adult, and elder patients. He strongly believes that facilitating open discussion and building relationships with patients over time supports a better patient experience and a healthier life. He is experienced in preventive health, chronic disease treatment, women’s health, reproductive autonomy, point of care ultrasound, and mental health care, and performs many procedures in the office, such as skin biopsies, contraceptive procedures like IUD and Nexplanon placement and removal, joint injections, and vasectomies.
Dr. Wiederhold is originally from West Lafayette, Indiana (home of the Boilermakers), and studied biochemistry at Indiana University. After receiving his medical degree at Indiana University School of Medicine, he moved to Renton, WA for family medicine residency at Valley Family Medicine, and has fallen in love with the vibrant and diverse people of King County ever since.
Outside of his professional life, Dr. Wiederhold loves exploring the cultural and natural riches of the Pacific Northwest, particularly sampling local foods (especially ice cream), hiking, and camping. He also enjoys reading, cooking, movies, video games, and gardening, not to mention becoming a better personal barista for his fiancée
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