Sabrina C. Stephens, ARNP
Family Medicine, Primary Care
Valley Medical Group Provider

Provider Bio

Sabrina Stephens, ARNP, is a dedicated nurse practitioner in family medicine, serving adult and pediatric patients. Her patient care interests include health promotion wellness and screening, diagnosis and treatment of minor episodic illness, treating chronic disease diagnosis and management, and case management of patients with multiple conditions.

Sabrina started her medical career in 2001 as a cardiac and oncology registered nurse. She went on to work as a critical care nurse and operating room charge nurse before pursuing higher education and patient care. During her Masters’ program, Sabrina was one of a select few chosen for an exchange program at University College Dublin, Dublin Ireland. Sabrina graduated Summa Cum Laude from Simmons School of Nursing and Health Sciences in Boston, Massachusetts. It was there that she earned her Master of Science in Nursing and Family Nurse Practitioner.

Outside of work she enjoys supporting her children in their various academic, art, and sport activities, running marathons, and sightseeing.

  • LGBTQ+ ally

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Scheduling & Locations

This provider works at the location(s) listed below. If you haven’t had an appointment with this provider before, please look near the provider’s photo above to make sure they are accepting new patients. Telehealth appointments are available for some conditions. Please call the clinic to learn more about telehealth options.

Lake Sawyer | Primary Care

27203 216th Ave SE Ste D
Maple Valley, WA 98038
Call 425.690.3425 Fax 425.690.9425