Sohi Oh, CCC-SLP
Speech Therapy/Speech Language Pathology
Valley Medical Group Provider

Provider Bio

Sohi Oh, MA, CCC-SLP, has been a Speech Language Pathologist at Valley Medical Center since 2004. She graduated from Western Washington University with a master’s degree in speech pathology.  Her clinical expertise includes the treatment of voice disorders including phonotraumatic injury, upper airway disorders, and neurological voice disorders. Sohi also has clinical interests in the assessment and treatment of neurological disorders including stroke, neuromuscular diseases, and traumatic brain injury.  She is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of her patients and serving the community.

Outside of work, Sohi enjoys hiking, traveling, and spending time with her family. 

Languages Spoken


Scheduling & Locations

This provider works at the location(s) listed below. If you haven’t had an appointment with this provider before, please look near the provider’s photo above to make sure they are accepting new patients. Telehealth appointments are available for some conditions. Please call the clinic to learn more about telehealth options.

Outpatient Therapy Services

Northwest Pavilion, Ground Floor
400 South 43rd Street
Renton, WA 98055
Call 425.690.3650 Fax 425.690.9650