The first phase of The Cancer Center at Valley Medical Center is now open!
Learn more about the services offered in the new space.
I am a born and raised Rentonian. I am as original to Renton as childhood nights spent bowling at Hillcrest Bowl in the fumes of the ‘smoking allowed’ bowling alley and before The Henry Moses Aquatic Center and The Renton Landing made weekend evenings in Renton a pre-teens dream. After graduating high school, I attended Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA minoring in Chemistry and majoring in Psychology. My interest in behavioral neuroscience laid the framework for wanting to focus a large part of my future medical practice on behavioral health. I remained in Washington for my four years of medical school and attended Pacific Northwest University in Yakima, WA. During medical school I was fortunate enough to travel to Uganda on a medical mission trip and this solidified my interest in practicing community-based medicine and increasing healthcare access to underserved communities. Valley Family Medicine encompasses all that I love about medicine including its strong focus on obstetrics and women’s health. I am so grateful to be back in Renton and able to practice medicine in the diverse community I grew up in.
Neither undergrad, medical school, nor residency could bring me out of the Pacific Northwest, and I continue to marvel at the beauty of this region by getting outside and going on hikes and runs with my husband and our dog as much as possible. We rescued Boots our husky mix in 2020 and he is the center of my world closely followed by my love for interior design, traveling, and incorporating the two wherever I can.
This provider works at the location(s) listed below. If you haven’t had an appointment with this provider before, please look near the provider’s photo above to make sure they are accepting new patients. Telehealth appointments are available for some conditions. Please call the clinic to learn more about telehealth options.