Gregory O. Imafidon, ARNP
Family Medicine, Primary Care
Valley Medical Group Provider

Provider Bio

Gregory Imafidon, ARNP, MSN, FNP is a family nurse practitioner who provides primary and compassionate care to people of all ages. Gregory connects with his patients, and treats patients and families with respect and dignity. He offers management of acute and chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, as well as upper respiratory infections. He also provides wellness visits for people of all ages, preventive care, warts removal, cryotherapy, medical staples/sutures removals, and health education.

Gregory completed his Bachelor of Science degree in nursing at Saint Xavier University and then acquired his Master of Science degree from Chamberlain University in Downer's Grove, Illinois. He is also board-certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. He enjoys watching soccer, basketball and spending time with friends and family.

Languages Spoken


Scheduling & Locations

This provider works at the location(s) listed below. If you haven’t had an appointment with this provider before, please look near the provider’s photo above to make sure they are accepting new patients. Telehealth appointments are available for some conditions. Please call the clinic to learn more about telehealth options.

Kent Station Clinic | VMC Primary Care

521 2nd Place North Ste 11-103
Kent, WA 98032
Call 425.690.3491 Fax 425.690.9091