Elaine Hsia, DO, is a family medicine physician. She enjoys taking care of patients from newborns, adults, to the elderly. She looks forward to helping her patients make diet and lifestyle changes to improve their health. Dr. Hsia has special interests in chronic disease management (asthma, hypertension, type 2 diabetes), women’s health, dermatology, minor office procedures, and integrative medicine.
Dr. Hsia grew up in Irvine, CA. She graduated from University of California Los Angeles with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in physiological sciences. She received her medical degree from Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI and stayed in Michigan to complete her residency through Beaumont Health system. During her time in residency she sought additional educational opportunities in integrative medicine. With family in the Greater Seattle area, she made the move back to the West Coast and is excited to take care of patients at Valley Medical Center.
In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her fiancé and her cat and dog, cooking, trying new restaurants and exploring everything the Pacific Northwest has to offer.
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