Erin M. Eddington Alden, ARNP
Neurology, Stroke Management
Valley Medical Group Provider

Provider Bio

Erin received her Master’s in Nursing Degree from the University of Washington School of Nursing in Seattle. She is board certified as an Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist. She is a member of the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Erin has worked for UW Medicine for 12 years and at Valley Medical Center since 2016 as a Clinical Nurse Specialist and Stroke Coordinator. She is passionate about the care of stroke patients and community education. Erin is native to the Northwest. She enjoys camping, kayaking, and spending time with friends and family.

Languages Spoken


Scheduling & Locations

This provider works at the location(s) listed below. If you haven’t had an appointment with this provider before, please look near the provider’s photo above to make sure they are accepting new patients. Telehealth appointments are available for some conditions. Please call the clinic to learn more about telehealth options.

Neuroscience Institute | Adult Neurology

Northwest Pavilion
400 S 43rd St
Renton, WA 98055
Call 425.690.3585 Fax 425.690.9585