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Strategic Planning Update: Valley’s Journey to 2025

Author: Matt Mulder


I’d like to update you on strategic planning underway here at Valley. Each year senior leadership sits down to map out plans for the future given what we see on the horizon. Attached* is our attempt to capture these thoughts in one document, or road map. Our mission of caring for our community like family is core to this roadmap, titled “Valley’s Journey to 2025.” Our planning incorporates key drivers like current market forces and our fiscal reality of shrinking reimbursement and increased capital need. The document is divided into two main sections – one outlining important clinical and operational initiatives necessary for us to deliver on our mission, and the other outlines capital/building projects needed to provide access to care for our patients. This document is currently a DRAFT, and is fluid, as it is always subject to change based on market conditions, reimbursement shifts, policy changes, etc.

I thought some of you might be interested in seeing this and I would love to hear your thoughts. If you’re interested in learning more about “Our Journey to 2025”, please come to our All Provider Meeting on October 24, where Rich Roodman, CEO, will be discussing this topic.

Thanks again for all you do!

Matt Mulder, MD

Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Director
Ambulatory Services

*Note: you may be prompted to enter your VMC log-in to access this document.