The first phase of The Cancer Center at Valley Medical Center is now open!
Learn more about the services offered in the new space.
What services does the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Clinic provide?
VMC’s Vascular Surgery Clinic provides a full spectrum of vascular and endovascular outpatient and inpatient diagnostic and therapeutic care. This includes angiography, balloon angioplasty, endovascular stent grafting, thrombolysis, open surgery and bypass grafts, dialysis access, and critical care. Vascular ultrasound is also offered in partnership with Pacific Vascular.
Which conditions are treated?
Arterial conditions
Venous conditions
Other conditions
Why refer to VMC’s Vascular Surgery Clinic?
Our providers and care team are experienced in caring for the population unique to South King County, with its higher prevalence of advanced disease and multiple co-morbidities.
Valley Medical Center has state-of-the-art bi-plane imaging and hybrid operating rooms allowing our vascular surgeons to offer patients a full spectrum of interventional and open procedures to treat their conditions. We also offer screening services to help identify problems earlier and prevent or delay the need for surgery.
What are the referral considerations for vascular consultations or treatments?
New patients for routine care are typically scheduled within a week of the referral. We recommend that you directly refer all patients with vascular symptoms and conditions to our clinics. We will identify and order any diagnostic imaging and other advance work-up needed for each patient.
How can I consult with a vascular surgeon about a patient? What if I have an urgent referral?
For consults about a patient (routine or urgent), call 425.690.3498, press 5 after the intro greeting, "For urgent consultations or STAT referrals", call 425.690.3498, press 5. Identify yourself and tell the staff person that you would like to consult with the surgeon. Please specify the urgency of the consultation or referral, and the clinic staff person will triage your request. For urgent after-hours consults, call the hospital main switchboard at 425.228.3450 and request the on-call surgeon.
Who are the providers?
Where is the Vascular Surgery Clinic located?
The main clinic is on the Valley Medical Center campus:
Medical Arts Center
4033 Talbot Rd S, Suite 350
Renton, WA 98055
Phone: 425.690.3498 Fax: 425.690.9498
Coming soon: A satellite clinic will be opening in the future (date TBD), located at the Covington Clinic.
Print-ready PDF handout about Vascular Surgery at Valley